How to Keep Chickens from Eating Dog Food: 5 Clever Tricks




how to keep chickens from eating dog food

To keep chickens from eating dog food, simply keep the food bowl out of their reach. This will prevent them from accessing and consuming the dog food.

Why Do Chickens Eat Dog Food?

Dog food is typically higher in protein than chicken feed, making it an ideal choice if your chickens are producing fewer eggs than usual. Additionally, it is beneficial if your chickens are underweight as it has a higher fat content than regular chicken feed, aiding in weight gain.

Higher Protein Content

The higher protein content in dog food attracts chickens, especially when they are not getting enough protein from their regular feed. Chickens need protein to lay eggs and maintain their overall health. If you notice a decrease in egg production, providing dog food with higher protein can help boost their egg-laying capabilities.

Higher Fat Content

In addition to protein, dog food also contains a higher fat content compared to regular chicken feed. This can be beneficial if you are trying to help your underweight chickens gain weight. The extra fat in the dog food can provide the necessary calories and nutrition to support healthy weight gain in chickens.

Assistance In Weight Gain

Weight gain is essential for chickens, especially if they are underweight or not gaining weight as expected. The higher fat content in dog food can assist in ensuring your chickens reach and maintain a healthy weight. It provides an additional source of calories, helping them meet their energy requirements for optimal growth and development.

Preventing Chickens From Eating Dog Food

While it may be tempting for chickens to indulge in dog food, it is important to keep them away from it to ensure balanced nutrition. Here are some tips to prevent chickens from eating dog food:

  • Keep the dog’s food bowl in a secure location that is inaccessible to chickens.
  • Feed chickens separately in their own designated area, away from the dog’s feeding space.
  • Monitor feeding times and remove any uneaten dog food to prevent chickens from accessing it later.
  • Use barriers or fencing to create physical separation between the dog food and the chickens.
  • Consider using automated feeders that only dispense food to the intended animal.

By implementing these measures, you can successfully prevent chickens from eating dog food while ensuring they receive the appropriate nutrition from their regular feed.

Foods Chickens Should Not Eat

Chickens are known for their voracious appetites and will eat just about anything you put in front of them. However, there are certain foods that should be avoided to ensure the health and safety of your chickens. In this article, we will discuss the foods that chickens should not eat to help you keep them away from your dog’s food bowl.

Foods With Mold

Moldy foods can be harmful to chickens and should never be given to them. Mold can contain toxins that can cause digestive upset and other health issues in chickens. It’s important to regularly inspect any kitchen scraps or leftovers before giving them to your chickens. If you notice any signs of mold, such as a fuzzy or slimy texture, it’s best to discard the food and avoid feeding it to your chickens.

Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits may not be toxic to chickens, but they can cause a reduction in egg production. The high acidity in citrus fruits can interfere with the calcium absorption process, which is essential for healthy eggshell development. It’s best to avoid feeding your chickens citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, and grapefruits to ensure optimal egg production.


Onions contain compounds that can be toxic to chickens if consumed in large quantities. These compounds can cause anemia by damaging the red blood cells in chickens. While small amounts of onion may not have a significant impact, it’s best to avoid feeding them to your chickens altogether to prevent any potential health issues.

Randomly Grown Mushrooms

Chickens are natural foragers and may come across mushrooms while free-ranging. However, not all mushrooms are safe for chickens to eat. Some mushrooms can be toxic and even deadly. To ensure the safety of your flock, it’s important to remove any randomly grown mushrooms from your chicken’s grazing area. Regularly inspect the area to ensure no new mushrooms have appeared.

Lawnmower Clippings

While it may be tempting to give your chickens the grass clippings from your lawnmower, it’s best to avoid doing so. Freshly cut grass can ferment quickly and lead to digestive upset in chickens. Additionally, grass clippings may contain traces of pesticides or chemicals that can be harmful to your flock. It’s best to keep the clippings away from your chickens and dispose of them properly.

how to keep chickens from eating dog food
how to keep chickens from eating dog food

How To Stop Chickens From Eating Dog Food

To prevent chickens from eating dog food, it is best to keep the food bowl in an area inaccessible to chickens. This simple solution ensures that chickens cannot get to the dog food and avoid consuming it.

Chickens have a knack for getting into everything, and dog food is no exception. If you’re tired of finding your feathered friends gobbling up your dog’s kibble, don’t worry – there are some effective ways to keep chickens away from the food bowl. In this article, we’ll explore a few strategies to help you keep your chickens from eating dog food.

Introducing Dogs To Chickens

When it comes to the relationship between dogs and chickens, a proper introduction is crucial. Dogs have natural predatory instincts, so it’s important to ensure they view chickens as members of the family rather than potential prey. Here’s how you can introduce dogs to chickens:

  1. Begin the introductions by holding your dog in a sit position while having someone trusted hold a chicken.
  2. Keep a safe distance between the dog and the chicken, allowing them to observe each other without direct contact.
  3. As your dog remains calm, reward them with praise and treat rewards, reinforcing positive behavior towards the chickens.
  4. Gradually decrease the distance between the dog and the chicken, always monitoring their reactions.
  5. Continue this process until your dog can be around chickens without displaying any signs of aggression or predatory behavior.

Reward-based Training

Training your chickens using reward-based techniques can also help keep them away from dog food. Chickens are surprisingly intelligent animals and can be taught to associate certain behaviors with rewards. Here’s how you can use reward-based training to deter chickens from eating dog food:

  • Set up a designated feeding area for your chickens away from the dog’s food bowl.
  • Each time you see a chicken approaching the dog’s food, gently guide them back to their designated feeding area.
  • When a chicken stays away from the dog’s food, reward them with a small treat or some extra feed.
  • Consistently reinforce this behavior by providing rewards whenever your chickens stay away from the dog’s food area.
  • With time and consistent training, the chickens will learn to associate the designated feeding area with rewards and avoid the dog’s food altogether.

Keeping Chickens Away From The Food Bowl

Ensuring physical barriers between your chickens and the dog’s food bowl is a practical and effective solution. By creating separation, you can prevent the chickens from accessing the dog food. Here are some methods to keep chickens away from the food bowl:

  • Move the dog’s food bowl to an elevated area that is inaccessible to chickens. This can be on a higher countertop or inside a dedicated feeding station with a door that only allows the dog to access it.
  • Use a chicken wire enclosure to surround the dog’s feeding area, creating a barrier that prevents chickens from entering.
  • Supervise the feeding times and remove the food bowl once the dog has finished eating, eliminating the opportunity for chickens to reach it.
  • Establish a feeding schedule for both the dog and the chickens. By keeping consistent meal times, you can better manage the situation and ensure your dog gets its food before the chickens have access to it.

By following these steps and implementing some or all of these strategies, you can successfully keep your chickens from eating dog food. Remember, consistency is key, so make sure to remain diligent in your efforts. Good luck!

Reasons Why Chickens Stop Eating

If you have chickens, you may have noticed that sometimes they stop eating. This can be a cause for concern, as chickens require proper nutrition to stay healthy and lay eggs. There can be several reasons why chickens stop eating, and it’s important to address these issues to ensure their well-being.

Internal Parasites

One possible reason why chickens may stop eating is the presence of internal parasites, such as worms. These parasites can cause discomfort and a decrease in appetite for the chickens. Regular deworming is essential to prevent and treat internal parasites in chickens. Consult with a veterinarian to determine the appropriate deworming schedule and medication for your flock.

Lack Of Variety In Diet

Just like humans, chickens can get bored with eating the same food every day. If they are offered a monotonous diet, they may lose interest in eating. Providing a variety of nutritious options can stimulate their appetite and prevent them from becoming picky eaters. Consider adding fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, and even insects or worms to their diet. This will not only balance their nutritional intake but also provide mental stimulation for them.

Old Age

As chickens age, their nutritional needs change. Older hens may have difficulty consuming certain types of food due to dental issues or a weakened digestive system. They may also experience a decrease in appetite as a natural part of the aging process. It’s important to provide softer food options, such as moistened pellets or mashed feeds, to ensure they can still consume adequate nutrition. Monitor the condition of older chickens closely and consult with a veterinarian for specific dietary recommendations.

By addressing these reasons why chickens stop eating, you can ensure that your flock remains healthy and well-nourished. Remember to provide a balanced diet, including a variety of foods, and regularly monitor their health to catch any potential issues early. Happy and well-fed chickens will reward you with healthy eggs and a vibrant backyard flock.

how to keep chickens from eating dog food
how to keep chickens from eating dog food

Methods To Keep Chickens Out Of Dog Food

To keep chickens from eating dog food, the best solution is to keep the food bowl out of their reach. By ensuring that chickens cannot access the dog food, they won’t be able to eat it. This simple step can help prevent any issues and keep both your chickens and dogs happy.

Making Dog Food Inaccessible To Chickens

Keeping your chickens away from your dog’s food can be a challenge, but there are methods you can try to prevent them from eating it. One effective approach is to make the dog food inaccessible to the chickens. Here are a few strategies you can use:

  1. Keep the dog food bowl in a designated area where the chickens cannot reach. This can be a separate room, a fenced-off section of your yard, or a raised platform that only your dog can access.
  2. If you have free-roaming chickens, consider installing a chicken coop with a secure door that only opens for specific periods when the dog needs to eat. This way, the chickens won’t have access to the food when your dog doesn’t need it.
  3. Use a mesh or wire cover to cover the dog food bowl. This will prevent the chickens from reaching the food while still allowing your dog to eat freely.
  4. Place the dog food bowl on an elevated surface. This can be a table, a shelf, or anything that the chickens cannot easily climb or jump onto. Make sure the surface is stable and secure to avoid accidents.

Feeding Dogs In A Separate Area

Another effective method to keep chickens out of dog food is to feed your dogs in a separate area. By creating a designated feeding space for your dogs, you can ensure that the chickens are kept away from the food. Here are a few ideas to try:

  • Set up a separate feeding station for your dog inside your house or in an enclosed area. This will create a barrier that prevents the chickens from accessing the food.
  • Consider using a dog crate or pen as a feeding area specifically for your dog. This will keep the chickens out and allow your dog to eat in peace.
  • If you prefer to feed your dog outside, consider using a dog kennel or run where the chickens are not allowed to enter. This will provide a safe space for your dog to eat undisturbed.
How to Keep Chickens from Eating Dog Food: Simple Tricks


Moving Dog Food Bowl

Moving the dog food bowl can also be an effective strategy to keep chickens away from it. By regularly changing the location of the bowl, you can disrupt the chickens’ patterns and discourage them from accessing the food. Here are a few tips for moving the dog food bowl:

  1. Relocate the dog food bowl to different areas of your yard or house. This will make it harder for the chickens to locate the food consistently.
  2. Rotate the feeding spots on a regular basis. For example, feed your dog in the backyard one day and in the garage the next day.
  3. Make sure to choose locations that are inaccessible or less attractive to the chickens. Avoid placing the bowl near areas where chickens gather or near their nesting spots.

By implementing these methods, you can effectively keep chickens out of your dog’s food and ensure that your dog receives the proper nutrition without any interference. Remember to consistently monitor the feeding areas and make adjustments as needed to maintain the separation between your chickens and dog food.

Frequently Asked Questions For How To Keep Chickens From Eating Dog Food

Why Do Chickens Eat Dog Food?

Chickens may eat dog food because it has higher protein and fat content, which can help with egg production and weight gain. However, chickens should not eat certain foods like mouldy scraps, citrus fruits, onions, or lawnmower clippings. To prevent chickens from eating dog food, keep it in a place where they cannot access it.

What Are 5 Things Not To Feed Chickens?

Chickens should not eat moldy food, citrus fruits, onions, mushrooms, or lawnmower clippings.

How Do You Stop Dogs From Killing Chickens?

To stop dogs from killing chickens, introduce them to chickens while keeping the dog in a sit position. Reward the dog for remaining calm. Keep chickens away from dog food to prevent them from eating it. Offer a varied diet to prevent boredom, and address any underlying health issues.

What Makes Chickens Stop Eating?

Chickens may stop eating due to internal parasites like worms, lack of dietary variety, or old age. Providing a diverse diet and treating any underlying health issues can help stimulate their appetite.


To ensure that your chickens don’t eat dog food, there are a few steps you can take. First, keep the dog food bowl in a location that is inaccessible to the chickens. Second, monitor your chickens’ diet and provide them with a balanced feed that meets their nutritional requirements.

Finally, keep your chickens entertained with toys and activities to prevent boredom and reduce the likelihood of them eating dog food. By following these guidelines, you can maintain a healthy and well-fed flock of chickens.

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