Sun-Kissed Hens: Why Do Chickens Lay on Their Side in the Sun




why do chickens lay on their side in the sun

Chickens lay on their side in the sun to sunbathe and enjoy the warmth and relaxation. They may spread their wings and legs, roll and stretch, showing signs of contentment.

Sunbathing is a natural behavior for chickens, and it helps them regulate their body temperature and absorb vitamin D from the sunlight. However, if a chicken is frequently lying on its side or showing signs of illness, injury, or distress, it should be examined by a veterinarian.

Otherwise, chickens generally lay on their side in the sun for comfort and pleasure. Sunlight is essential for chickens’ well-being and plays a crucial role in their daily activities and egg-laying routine.

Why Do Chickens Lay On Their Side?

Chickens are known for their interesting behaviors, and one of them is laying on their side. But why do chickens exhibit this peculiar habit? Let’s delve into the reasons behind this behavior.

Chickens love to bask in the sun, and laying on their side is one way they enjoy soaking up the warm rays. When chickens lay on their side, they are often seen stretching their wings and legs, as well as spreading their tails. This position allows them to fully expose their bodies to the sun’s heat, providing relaxation and comfort. In addition to sunbathing, chickens may lie on their sides in sandy areas, which can help them maintain cooler body temperatures and reduce the risk of overheating.

Exposure to sunlight has numerous health benefits for chickens. Sunlight provides a natural source of vitamin D, which plays a crucial role in the absorption of calcium and the development of strong bones. By basking in the sun, chickens can activate the vitamin D present in the oil of their preen gland, enhancing their overall bone strength and general well-being.

Furthermore, sunlight has been linked to improved moods and better overall mental health in chickens. Sun exposure can boost serotonin levels, which is a neurotransmitter responsible for regulating mood, sleep, and appetite. Chickens that enjoy sunlight exposure often exhibit more lively and contented behavior, leading to a healthier and happier flock.

In addition to behavioral and health reasons, chickens may also lie on their sides if they are seriously ill, injured, or even deceased. However, this occurrence is relatively rare and should be investigated further if observed.

In conclusion, chickens lay on their side for various reasons, such as sunbathing for relaxation, maintaining cooler body temperatures, and enjoying the health benefits of sunlight exposure. It’s one of the fascinating behaviors that make these feathered creatures such delightful backyard companions.

why do chickens lay on their side in the sun
why do chickens lay on their side in the sun

Behavioral Reasons

When it comes to the question of why chickens lay on their side in the sun, there are several behavioral reasons behind this peculiar behavior. Chickens exhibit certain behaviors when exposed to the sun, which include sunbathing to enjoy the warmth, preening to obtain vitamin D and parasite removal. Let’s delve deeper into each of these reasons:

Sunbathing To Enjoy The Sun

Chickens love basking in the warm sunlight, just like humans do. They often lay on their side in the sun to soak up the rays and enjoy the soothing heat. When chickens expose themselves to the sun, they roll, stretch their wings, and spread their tails and legs to maximize their surface area and absorb as much sunlight as possible.

Preening And Vitamin D

One of the main reasons why chickens lay on their sides in the sun is to preen and obtain vitamin D. Preening is when chickens spread oil from their preen gland, located just above the tail, over their feathers. By exposing themselves to the sun, chickens allow the sun’s rays to activate the oil and convert it into active vitamin D. Vitamin D is crucial for bone strength and overall health in chickens.

Parasite Removal

In addition to enjoying the warmth and obtaining vitamin D, chickens also lie on their sides in the sun to remove parasites. Research suggests that birds, including chickens, sunbathe to rid themselves of pesky parasites living on their skin and feathers. The heat from the sun helps to kill or repel these parasites, ensuring that the chickens stay healthy and free from infestations.

In conclusion, chickens lay on their side in the sun due to various behavioral reasons. They do it to enjoy the warmth, indulge in preening for vitamin D, and remove parasites. So, the next time you see chickens basking in the sun, you’ll know they have their own reasons for doing so!

Health Benefits

Chickens lay on their side in the sun to enjoy the warmth and bask in the sunlight. It is their way of sunbathing and soaking up the health benefits of vitamin D. However, if a chicken is laying on its side constantly, it may be a sign of illness.

Bone Strength

Chickens love basking in the sun for a good reason – it helps promote bone strength. When chickens lay on their sides in the sun, their bodies absorb ultraviolet B (UVB) rays from the sunlight. These UVB rays stimulate their skin to produce vitamin D, which is vital for bone health and strength. Vitamin D plays a crucial role in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, minerals necessary for the development and maintenance of strong bones in chickens.

The sunbathing behavior of chickens allows them to naturally synthesize vitamin D, improving their overall bone health. Just like humans, chickens need this important nutrient to prevent conditions such as osteoporosis and weak bones. So, when you see your chickens laying on their sides in the sun, it’s their way of taking care of their bone strength.

Vitamin Intake

Aside from bone strength, sunbathing offers chickens another health benefit – increased vitamin intake. When chickens expose themselves to direct sunlight, their bodies absorb and convert sunlight into active vitamin D. This essential vitamin not only aids in bone health as mentioned earlier but also contributes to overall immune function and proper egg production.

By spending time in the sun, chickens ensure they have an adequate supply of vitamin D, which enhances their immune system and reduces the risk of diseases. Additionally, vitamin D is crucial for the proper functioning of their reproductive system, allowing them to lay high-quality eggs regularly.

Signs Of Illness Or Distress

Chickens may lay on their side in the sun to sunbathe and enjoy the warmth. However, if a chicken is continuously laying on its side, it could be a sign of illness or distress and should be closely monitored.

Laying On Side As A Warning Sign

One of the behaviors that might indicate signs of illness or distress in chickens is when they lay on their side. While chickens do enjoy sunbathing and may choose to lay on their sides to soak up the warmth, it is important to monitor this behavior closely as it can also be a warning sign of health issues. The following are some factors to consider if you notice your chicken consistently laying on its side:

Signs Of Physical Injury Or Pain

Chickens may lay on their sides if they have sustained physical injuries or are experiencing pain. This could be due to conditions such as fractures, sprains, or other internal or external injuries. If you notice your chicken favoring a specific side or showing signs of discomfort when moving, it is essential to examine them carefully for any visible injuries. Seeking veterinary attention may be necessary to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment.

Poor Egg-laying Or Reproductive Issues

In some cases, chickens may lay on their sides if they are experiencing difficulties with egg-laying or reproductive issues. Conditions such as egg binding, where an egg gets stuck in the reproductive tract, can cause discomfort and lead to chickens adopting a side-laying position. This condition requires immediate attention from a veterinarian, as it can be life-threatening if left untreated.

Respiratory Or Digestive Problems

Respiratory or digestive issues can also contribute to chickens laying on their sides. Certain infections or diseases affecting the respiratory system may cause chickens to struggle with breathing, leading them to lay on their sides as a way to alleviate discomfort. Digestive problems, such as impacted crops or gastrointestinal blockages, can also result in chickens assuming a side-lying position. Prompt veterinary care is crucial in addressing these underlying health concerns.

Environmental Stressors

Environmental stressors, such as extreme temperatures or overcrowded living conditions, can affect a chicken’s behavior and result in side-laying. Chickens may attempt to relieve heat stress by lying on their sides in an attempt to cool down. Addressing these environmental factors by providing proper ventilation, shade, and adequate space can help alleviate this behavior.

While it is not uncommon for chickens to lay on their sides while sunbathing, it is essential to be vigilant if this behavior becomes excessive or is accompanied by other signs of illness or distress. Monitoring your chickens’ overall health, providing a balanced diet, and ensuring a clean and comfortable living environment are vital to preventing and addressing health issues. If you have any concerns about your chickens’ well-being or notice any abnormal behavior, it is always best to consult with a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.

why do chickens lay on their side in the sun
why do chickens lay on their side in the sun

Other Factors To Consider

Chickens may lay on their side in the sun for various reasons, such as sunbathing, stretching their wings, or enjoying the warmth. However, this behavior is rare and could indicate illness or injury. Chickens need sunlight for their overall well-being, but it should be in moderation.

Temperature Regulation

Chickens are highly adaptable creatures that constantly monitor and regulate their body temperature. One of the reasons why chickens lay on their side in the sun is to regulate their body temperature more efficiently. By exposing their belly and wings to the sun, chickens can absorb heat and warm up their bodies. This behavior is especially common during cooler seasons or in the morning when the sun is not at its peak intensity. When chickens feel too warm, they may spread their wings and lay on their side to expose more surface area to the sun, aiding in cooling down their bodies.

Shade-seeking Behavior

Just like humans, chickens also seek shade when the sun becomes too intense. Although they enjoy basking in the sun to absorb its warmth and benefits, they also know when it’s time to find a cool spot to rest. Chickens have a natural instinct to seek shade to protect themselves from overheating.

When chickens start feeling hot, they will look for a shady area such as under a tree, in a covered coop, or even in the shadow of their own bodies. They may lay on their side to expose less surface area to the sun and thereby minimize heat absorption. This shade-seeking behavior helps chickens regulate their body temperature and prevent heat stress.

Additional Factors

In addition to temperature regulation and shade-seeking behavior, there are a few other factors that may cause chickens to lay on their side in the sun. Here are a few possibilities:

  • Comfort: Laying on their side in the sun may simply be a comfortable position for chickens to relax and unwind.
  • Sunbathing: Just like humans, chickens can enjoy sunbathing. The warmth of the sun can feel soothing to them and provide a sense of relaxation.
  • Dust Bathing: Chickens may choose to lay on their side as part of their regular dust bathing routine. Dust bathing helps chickens keep their feathers clean, remove parasites, and maintain healthy skin.

It’s important to note that if a chicken is continuously laying on its side and showing other signs of illness or distress, it may be best to consult a veterinarian to ensure there are no underlying health issues.

Frequently Asked Questions For Why Do Chickens Lay On Their Side In The Sun

Why Does My Chicken Lay Down On Its Side?

Chickens lay down on their side to roll, stretch their wings, and enjoy the sun. It’s normal behavior, unless they are seriously ill or injured. Chickens need sunlight for their daily schedule, happiness, and to lay eggs. They also sunbathe to rid themselves of parasites on their feathers.

Do Chickens Lay Down When Its Hot?

Chickens may lay down when it’s hot to cool down by spreading their wings and bodies out. However, if a chicken is seriously ill, injured, or dead, it may also lie on its side. Chickens enjoy the sun and sand, but they also seek shade in warmer weather.

Can Chickens Be In Direct Sunlight?

Chickens can be in direct sunlight, but it should be in moderation. Sunlight is important for their health and helps set their daily schedule. However, too much direct sunlight can cause overheating. Chickens may also lay down and sunbathe to enjoy the warmth and stretch their wings and bodies.

Why Do Chickens Sun Themselves?

Chickens sun themselves to warm up, dry their feathers, and rid themselves of parasites. They may also enjoy the sun and sand.


When chickens lay on their side in the sun, it is usually a sign that they are enjoying some sunbathing time. They roll, stretch their wings, and spread their tails and legs to soak in the warmth. However, if a chicken consistently lays on its side, it could be a sign of illness or distress.

Overall, chickens benefit from sunlight for their daily schedule, happiness, and egg-laying. Just like humans, they enjoy basking in the sun for its health benefits.

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